Yearly Combined Package


      Bank nifty refers to the 12 largest and most liquid capitalized stocks from the banking sector which are traded on NSE, also you must try trading in Nifty option along with derivative to diversify your portfolio. Here you will get the best day-trading opportunities for Bank Nifty, Nifty and Sensex Optionsrecommendations are provided during the market hours in Bank Nifty and Nifty options with favorable risk reward ratios depending upon market conditions. Subscribe to our services for a period of one year. You will start gaining results right from the very next day with our Calls.


  1. Daily Bank Nifty, Nifty & Sensex Options Intraday Calls.
  2. Frequency: 1 to 2 Calls of Nifty Options & 1 to 2 Calls of Bank Nifty, Sensex Options 
  3. Accuracy More Than 75%
  4. Risk Reward Ratio 1:1 to 1:5
  5. Calls are provided via. WhatsApp Broadcast.
    (While Trading on our call you have to follow our TRADING RULES Strictly)


  1. Minimum 6 months experience in Index Options Trading
  2. Good order execution speed
  3. Strong mind to handle market volatility

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Step 1

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Payment Verification

After payment verification, we will add your WhatsApp number in Premium WhatsApp Broadcast list within 1-2 hours.
Step 3

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Subscribing to our services is not your expense. But it is your investment. That will give you a RETURN from the very next day.